What is Product Compression?

Product Compression is a significant upgrade to the search experience on Biocompare.

This upgrade allows scientists to quickly access a greater variety of companies in search results, and it guarantees that more of our partnering companies are surfaced on the first page of search results on Biocompare.  This will greatly benefit both our audience and our product directory partners.

Product Compression has two key functionalities:
• Each company will have a fixed and equal number of products shown within search results
• Scientists can click to expand to see the full selection of products from any one company.

The image below shows a sample of two companies appearing in search results, each with two listings showing. There are “See More” and “View All” links that allow the scientist to either view a fixed, limited additional listings from the company, or to view all of the offerings from one company that are relevant to the search term.

Product Compression

At this time, we do not have a mechanism by which our partners can choose which two products show in the search results. As we adopt Product Compression and further refine the search experience on Biocompare, it would be useful for us to know your thoughts on the best possible criteria by which to rank search results. You can send your ideas and feedback to [email protected]